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Home, Britt Taylor Collins
Military Art
Tropical Art by Britt Taylor Collins
Gallery One, Britt Taylor Collins
Gallery Two, Britt Taylor Collins
Logo Design by Britt Taylor Collins
Portraiture by Britt Taylor COllins
Contact Britt Taylor Collins
We Gotta Get Out of This Place
Midnight Battery Defense by Britt Taylor Collins
Closing the Gap by Britt Taylor Collins
Vietnam Helmet Art
We Gotta Get Out of This Place
90th Div. Mural, The Cost of Freedom by Britt Taylor Collins
The Last Round by Britt Taylor Collins
Brotherhood of the Ribbon by Britt Taylor Collins
P-51 Mustang by Britt Taylor Collins

The artwork of Britt Taylor Collins has developed a following in military circles. Inspired by an abiding respect for history and an deep admiration for the American soldier, Britt's military art is finding it's way into historical collections from the White House to humble guest houses in Bavaria. From the Ft. Sill Field Artillery Museum on the plains of Oklahoma, to the Musee du Normandie overlooking Utah Beach, Britt's work is paying silent tribute to the sacrifices and heroism of patriots, past and present.